M-x Kelsin

A Hacking Blog


At work we’re look into different paas solutions including AWS elastic beanstalk and OpenShift. If anyone I know has experience with either (or others) please reach out and let me know!

Tech Lead Sync Up

I just recently returned from a tech lead sync up that my department had in Austin TX. We have web teams in Austin, San Francisco and Irvine and once a quarter we meet up in one location to talk about recent problems, exchange ideas, sync up on tech decisions and other such items. My preference will definitely be Austin due to the Texas BBQ.

Pandemic Legacy

We played our first game of Pandemic Legacy the other night and lost it miserably. I feel like I’m very out of shape when it comes to pandemic and this version of the game provides some extra challenges. Only being one game in, I haven’t seen many of the special features of the game but it made me want to play again in a way that pandemic has not done in a long long time!

Monster Hunter

I finally bought a 3DS and with it Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. So far the game is pretty great. I love the idea that you don’t level, but just slowly craft better and better items. I also like the idea that different items / equipment sets can be better on different monsters.

Twilight Imperium

Today I finally got to play Twilight Imperium for the third time. We only ended up with 4 players so I definitely want to play some more. We also had some expansion stuff mixed in and I’m actually very interested in playing the 6 player game with only the base rules / cards / races. Will probably end up buying my own copy at some point to make that happen.