Blow Out

I’ve made a bunch of orders from The Criterion Collection recently and I went a little overboard with one order. I ordered a bunch of movies I’ve never seen just based on them having 4k UHD Criterion releases. One of those was Brian De Palma’s Blow Out.

Blow Out

This film was interesting. I’m normally pretty bored by 70’s and 80’s pictures. I don’t tend to have any context yet about what was done before and what hasn’t been done yet and that tends to cloud my opinions. What I did enjoy on this one was the camera work and focus on the main characters job as a sound engineer.

One sequence in particular during the middle right after Jack get’s his tapes wiped where he’s going around his studio checking all of his tapes was great. The camera is placed in the middle of the room and swirls around numerous times while John Travolta’s character is realizing how much damage was done. It’s very effective and definitately reminded me of a lot of my stress dreams.

Recommended for De Palma fans and Thriller fans.