M-x Kelsin

A Hacking Blog

Install Cask and Pallet to manage Emacs Packages

The package management that is built into emacs has gotten a lot better over the past few years (While I’ve been away) and the Melpa repository of packages is outstanding. Tonight I decided to take the next step and use some packages that help organize and keep my packages up to date: Cask and Pallet. You can see a commit of my changes on github.

Install Tmux in Cygwin

Originally I had found this page describing how to install Tmux in cygwin and I was able to accomplish this goal with relative ease. Once I realized that the instructions were dead simple, and that ncurses and libevent appears to already be included in cygwin I wanted to give it another go where I only installed tmux itself from source.

Setting up Cygwin

This weekend I tried to change over my computer from using msys (git and bash) as my main environment to trying out cygwin. So far so good. I’m also planning on setting up emacs as my main editor. I have not yet decided whether I’m going to use a native build of emacs, a cygwin build that uses the w32 native widgets, or a full cygwin/X environment.

Attempting Cygwin

After much though I’m going to try out Cygwin again. Tomorrow my system at work gets upgraded which means I have a brand new system to setup. I will try cygwin first prior to msys and see how far I get.

Switching to Vundle

After only a couple of days I did start finding git submodules annoying (again… who knew?). In order to get them out of my configs I’ve moved over from pathogen to Vundle. Pathogen lets all of your plugins behave like Mac Apps and line in their own little folders, instead of coexisting with other vim files in a single vim runtime folder (normally ~/.vim). Vundle takes this same approach but manages the git cloneing and updating of these plugins. So instead of autoloading whatever is in a folder, you define what plugins you want and are then able to install/update them from inside git.